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Submission of papers

For this technical meeting, we give you the opportunity to publish your work in a Special Issue of the Material Letters journal. « These letters are intended as brief reports of significant, original and timely research results on the science, applications and processing of materials which warrant rapid publication. In considering a manuscript for publication, particular attention will be given to the originality of the research, the desirability of speedy publication, the clarity of the presentation and the validity of the conclusions.»

All Papers will follow the format of four printed pages. Manuscripts must not exceed 2000 words plus four figures or tables.
They will follow a peer-reviewed process. In case you would prefer your work not to be published in the special issue, we offer an alternative.
Find all the submission details below.

Select your option:I want my paper to be published in the special issueI do not want my paper to be published in the special issueImportant dates
STEP 1Use the templates below (short abstract and letter) and see author guidelines
Use the template below (proceeding) and see author guidelinesOpening of submission
STEP 2Submit your letter here
Select “VSI: DYMAT 2023” when reaching the “Article Type” step in the submission process
Send your proceeding to: dymat2023@isl.euDeadline for submission 01/07/2023
STEP 3Send your short abstract to: dymat2023@isl.euDeadline for submission 01/07/2023

Click on the links below to download the templates :

Short Abstract Template
Letter Template
Proceeding Template
LaTeX Template

We thank you for your contributions!